14 fevereiro 2005

Pequena Empresa, Bonito Negócio

Já ouviu falar no 'Tunnel Motor'? E no 'Saw'? Não? Nem eu.

Mas se o som for zomeno, a chance delas ficarem conhecidas é grande. As bandas são da gravadora 80H, que se apresenta assim:

We are primarily a web only record label. This means that all of our releases are available as FREE downloads. We also offer select releases in limited edition CDRs. All of our releases are listed below.

You can send an email to records at 80h.com with any questions, comments, etc. If you would like for us to listen to your demo, include a link to your music online. Please realize we are a very, very small label. If you like what we do, and think that we'll like your music, then please write us. We'll make room if we can.

Legal né? No site vc consegue baixar todos os sons, na íntegra. Só falta eles conhecerem o CC e ficarem mais moderninhos ainda.

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